Cooler Xtreme : Coolers
: Cpu Cooler : Thermaltake Volcano II
Thermaltake Volcano II
I threw this cooler in to
allow a comparison between our old testbench temps and our new ones It's
a really nice cooler. This was Thermaltake's first cooler that was really
different than an Orb that really went mainstream. It's very similar to
a Globalwin and it has a nice fan to go along with it. Something else I'll
mention here is the fan mount, you can slide it on and off without moving
more than one screw. The reason it's here is I haven't found a use for it
or any reason to dislike it yet.
There's a lot of different opinions
on this clip. Some like it, some don't. The argument usually stems from
the fact that you MUST have a screwdriver to put it on and take it off.
I for one like the clip because you don't take your heatsink on and off
much but when you do you can usually take the time to do it right. You don't
want to crack that precious processor do you? And if you're like me and
test a bunch of heatsinks at once you use a screwdriver to save your thumb
from going numb putting on all the different heatsinks multiple times. Basically
if you have a screwdriver (and who doesn't?) this is the best clip on the
market for you.
It has a quiet fan that actually
performs as it's speced and is a really nice fan. Some say it does some
say it doesn't and I haven't concocted a way to test it yet. But the performance
seems to show that it does do the full 36CFM's its speced as.
I'm saying the same thing from the
last time I reviewed it, I still haven't found anything that bugs me about
it. Sure the clip can be kind of annoying but it has too many pluses to
bother me. I guess it could perform better but that's not really a complaint
that I can make.
Once you've wrestled the thing onto
your CPU, you ought to get quite good performance out of it. It scored 0.74°C/W
when I tested it, which isn't bad at all for a RM80.00 (delivered) cooler.