Cooler Xtreme : Coolers
: Cpu Cooler : Power Cooler PCH123
Power Cooler PCH123
The design specification for this
cooler seemed to include a requirement that the heat sink's profile be made
as knobbly and spiky and generally baroquely interesting as possible. And
it is. In the quest for more surface area in this otherwise unremarkable
all-aluminium heat sink, Power Cooler have given it lots of corrugations
and twiddly bits, so it looks kind of like a set of extruded Victorian iron
fence posts, or perhaps an abstract wallpaper pattern turned into metal.
On top of the knobbly heat sink
there's another of those Power Cooler turbine-fans, and the whole thing's
held onto the socket with an OK two-part clip, sort of like a Global Win
clip done properly.
You can't expect a whole lot from
an all-aluminium sink with a medium power fan, though, and the PCH123 is
no miracle worker. At 0.70°C/W, it matched the far fancier PCH113.