Cooler Xtreme : Coolers
: Cpu Coolers : OCZ Glacier2
OCZ Glacier2
The Overclockerz
Store has this cooler at a list price of $USD19.99, reduced to
$USD9.99 as I write this.
For ten US bucks plus shipping,
the Glacier2's a very impressive piece of gear.
Its most obvious feature is this
copper inlay in the base (here, it's still got its thermal gum square covered
by its protective wrapper). But it's also got a medium-high power fan, and
a user-friendly clip with a plastic tab on it for easy gripping. The easy-grip
clip is hardly a world-shattering technological breakthrough, but anything
that saves you from having to jam a screwdriver down in the direction of
your motherboard is, if you ask me, well worth having.
At 0.79°C/W, the Glacier's
not a thrilling performer - but the price is right.